Sun exposure, aging, skin disorders and heredity can cause skin irregularities such as wrinkles, acne scars, freckles, sunspots and visible blood vessels. Skin may also become less firm over time, or develop cellulite. Skin rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment designed to reduce or even eliminate these irregularities. Rejuvenation can make the skin look firmer, smoother and more youthful. Multiple treatments or repeated treatments over a period of time may be desirable; results gradually become apparent.
Skin rejuvenation includes a number of different treatments, but all are designed to leave a softer, smoother surface. Dermabrasion is similar to sanding a surface, while chemical peels actually peel away skin cells. Lasers provide the same function by removing skin cells, but they also encourage new skin to grow and can help tighten the skin. A laser skin treatment can promote the growth of new collagen, the protein that supports the skin. Collagen tends to diminish with age, which makes skin more likely to sag.
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