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Summer is just around the corner and if you want to take advantage of the summer heat to get some cosmetic treatments, this blog is here for your help. If you live in Sugar Land, you are in luck. Rejuven8 Medical is the best aesthetic clinic in town that offers various minimally invasive summertime treatments. Let’s have a look at these procedures.

Minimally Invasive Summertime Treatments at Rejuven8 Medical

1.     Cool Sculpting

Also known as fat freezing or cryolipolysis, this is an advanced procedure that reduces excess fat by freezing it. Specific temperatures are used to target the fat. The surrounding tissue and muscle are not affected during the procedure. The frozen fat is then passed out of the body gradually.

Typically, 3-4 treatments are required to achieve the desired results. The good thing is that this procedure doesn’t have extensive downtime and the results begin to appear in about 2-3 weeks.

To maintain the desired results, it is important to stick to a healthy balanced diet. To ensure the easy and smooth removal of fat cells from the body, stay well hydrated. It is also advisable to minimize caffeine and alcohol consumption.

2.     Injectables

Must have heard of Botox, dermal fillers, and Juvederm; these are the most commonly used injectable. If you have noticed some early signs of aging as the appearance of laugh lines or wrinkles when you squint, injectables are the way to go. Immediate results with no downtime; what could be better than that?

Botox is excellent to treat frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines. The results can be seen in 24-48 hours after the procedure with final results in 30 days.

Juvederm helps you out with smoothening creases and lines caused as a result of volume loss. The treatment area is filled and gives you a younger-looking appearance.

Kybella is another type of injectable that improves the appearance of the double chin. It breaks down the fat. at Rejuven8 Medical, off-label Kybella is used to reduce the fat deposits that cause jowls.

3.     Body Contouring

This too is a minimally invasive summertime treatment. This is a very effective and safe weight loss method.

The procedure uses radiofrequency heat to destroy the fat cells. The temperature is set around 42-45 Celsius. The destroyed fat cells gradually pass out of your system through urine. Normally 2-4 sessions with a gap of 3 days are done over a span of two weeks. Depending on the area under treatment, one session can take around 30 minutes.  

As for the results, they are permanently given that you maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow the practitioner’s instructions.

4.     Chemical Peels

These peels use exfoliating solutions to remove the damaged layers of skin to bring out a softer and fresh layer beneath. During the procedure, the practitioners first prep the skin. This is done either with skin care treatment or microdermabrasion. After that, the skin is cleansed to remove any oils and then the layers of solution are applied gently. This solution peels away the dead skin layer.

The results of chemical peels depending on the type of peel. A medium peel is more effective to reduce the signs of sun damage and fine wrinkles whereas a superficial peel slightly reduces the signs of skin damage and aging.

5.     Laser Skin Resurfacing

This procedure uses laser light to tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles. The procedure is mostly used for treating lines on the face. At Rejuven8 Medical, Venus Versa Viva is used which has 160 needles that prick the skin and allow the heat to penetrate inducing the production of collagen. Collagen then works naturally to smoothen the skin out and give you younger-looking skin.

6.     Microneedling

At Rejuven8 Medical, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) microneedling is done. The blood is taken from the patient’s arm and is then entered into the centrifuge, separating the plasma from the red blood cells and white blood cells. The plasma with a high volume of platelets is then injected into the face via microneedling. This plasma is responsible for growth.


So if you plan on getting these minimally invasive or others feel free to book an appointment at Rejuven8 Medical. The experienced staff and professional practitioners here provide the best services in Sugar Land. Be it body contouring, fillers, fat freezing, or chemical peels; you can get these procedures at Rejuven8 Medical during the summers.

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